Mix Sense Live Sound Course

To keep up with the growing demand of Live Sound Engineer in the market for Events, Cooperate Events, Broadcast, Festivals, Concerts, Religious function, etc. MixSense is conducting three months of Live Sound Engineering Intensive Certificate course.
Any interested fresher who wants to take up Live Sound Engineer as a career or Professional Live Sound Engineer, who wants to update and enhance their skill can apply for the course.

The course is meticulously designed to balance the technical and artistic aspect for better refine and creativity of sound in Live sound engineering. It is a workshop base hands-on program.
Students are exposed to Industrial standard live sound equipment and taught in a conducive learning environment. This course breaks down and simplifies complex technical terms for the students for their better understanding and experience.

Instructors are highly professional. Head of the Instructor is well-qualified Sound Engineer and Music Producer. He has more than ten years of experience in the industry and academical teachings of Sound Engineering. He had been a former Head of Department (H.O.D) in one of the country Premier Audio Engineering Institute, Bangalore. He is also an AVID certified Venue Operator.

This course has a mandatory submission of student projects and academical examination in completion of the course. The successful student is awarded Mix Sense certificate and given internship in the industry according to their caliber.

This course is conducting in Bangalore. The venue of the course will be updated prior two weeks from the commencement of the course. The aspirant student who stays outside Bangalore can contact Mix Sense for any assistance regarding finding their accommodation. For more details contact us at +91-6362660424 or write to us at connect@saohkha.com



Module 1 : Sound Theory

Module 2 : Ear & Perception of Sound

Module 3 : Sound Level & Decibel

Module 4 : Electronics

Module 5 : Cables & Connectors

Module 6 : Amplification

Module 7 : Loudspeaker

Module 8 : Digital Basics

Module 9 : MIDI & Synchronisation

Module 10 : Microphones & Advance Miking Techniques

Module 11 : Signal Processor

Module 12 : Analog & Digital Console

Module 13 : Basic System Design, Alignment & Acoustics

Module 14 : Advance Mixing Techniques (FOH & Monitor Mix)

Module 15 : Troubleshooting


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